
发表: 2024年2月28日
作者: 詹姆斯Gomme
类型: 洞察力

For many of us in the field of corporate sustainability, 每年的头几周不可避免地会被塞满报告和文章的收件箱或领英(LinkedIn) feed所包围,这些报告和文章强调了一系列往往势不可挡的关键趋势和发展,这些趋势和发展将影响我们未来一年的努力.

Rarely has the flow of information been quite so torrential as this year, 随着我们的正规博彩十大网站排名努力在不断增长的波动性和复杂性的背景下展开. 然而,, 同时, 很少有这样一种压倒性的感觉,当我们努力实现指数变化时,我们正在接近一个临界点.

支持成员和合作伙伴在2024年即将起飞的逆风和顺风中航行, WBCSD编制了一份简短的简报文件,反映了今年年初有关企业正规博彩十大网站排名的讨论.

Drawing on an analysis of over 50 reports, articles and interviews published in recent weeks, this briefing extrapolates ten key cross-cutting themes as follows:

1) Delivering transformation in a volatile and fragmented world
2024年实现正规博彩十大网站排名的努力将在地缘政治紧张和冲突持续出现的背景下进行, as well as an uncertain and predominantly gloomy economic outlook.

With no end yet in sight to the war in Ukraine, the prospect of a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Gaza also remains elusive, 有几种可能升级为更广泛的地区战争的途径也是现实.  Conflict will continue to fan inflationary flames, 许多评论人士预测利率将维持在高位,世界银行预测GDP增长将连续第三年放缓. 

2) Navigating politics everyw在这里 all at once
More people will be going to the polls in 2024 than at any other time in modern history, with national elections scheduled to be held in countries that are home to 4.20亿人.

这次选举”super-year” will generate regulatory and policy uncertainty, 当涉及到长期战略规划时,向商界提出挑战. 在这种高度政治化的环境下,ESG也可能越来越多地成为一个党派问题, 在涉及气候变化和社会正义等问题的政策方面,民粹主义候选人利用并激起了日益强烈的反弹. 

3) Reaching a 引爆点 on accountability
2024 looks set to usher in what ISSB Chair Emmanuel Faber calls a “引爆点” on corporate accountability on environmental and social sustainability issues.

欧盟的《企业正规博彩十大网站排名报告指令》(CSRD)的生效意味着近50家企业将被淘汰,在2024财政年度,将有1000家公司就气候和人权等主题进行强制性报告, while the SEC in the US is also set to release its own set of rules later in the year.

对责任的不断强调似乎预示着“洗绿”的终结, with companies increasingly having to back up sustainability ambitions with solid data.

4) Supply chains are under more scrutiny than ever before
2024年新的信息披露要求也将使全球供应链受到前所未有的关注.  企业需要在整个价值链中加强对环境和社会绩效的关注, and take action to adequately understand, monitor and engage with suppliers at different tiers. 这将需要合作以及各种创新的技术解决方案.

对于企业来说,确保他们遵守披露方面的新立法至关重要, 实现转型的努力也将取决于2024年,在企业正规博彩十大网站排名行动方面,我们将看到企业思维向更具创业精神的重大转变. 越来越多的公司意识到,正规博彩十大网站排名不仅仅是实现自己的净零目标,还包括为其他组织解决挑战, which has enormous potential to be a driver of long-term value creation. 

自然 will continue be a critical topic for business in 2024. 越来越多的公司响应了设定自然目标和加强与自然有关的信息披露的呼吁,特别是在今年10月在哥伦比亚举行的第16届联合国气候变化大会(COP16)即将召开之际. As momentum for nature-positive strategies grows, “自然智能随着公司努力获取正确的与自然相关正规博彩十大网站排名和数据,为决策提供信息,预计这也将成为一个关键的关注领域. 

7) The urgent need for  adaptation and resilience
As efforts to mitigate climate impacts through emissions reduction continue, 2024年,适应气候危机带来的物理风险的紧迫性将变得更加突出. As the El Nino climate pattern unfolds during the first half of the year, we are likely to see extreme weather events at a potentially unprecedented scale. With political uncertainty rife in parts of the world, 当涉及到投资于关键的适应努力时,往往落在企业的头上.

8) Answering tough questions on social justice
不平等问题继续成为头条新闻,在今年有50多场选举的情况下,不平等问题可能会进一步成为人们关注的焦点, 全球经济低迷, and potentially unprecedented climate impacts. 围绕不平等和与社会相关的财务披露特别工作组(TISFD)发展的讨论继续具体化, 企业有必要更加熟悉它们可以采取的措施,以解决日益严重的系统性风险,即全球不平等, as laid out by the Business Commission to Tackle Inequality.

9) Closing the sustainability skills gap

This will be essential not only for the long-term success of the business, 还要确保今天和明天的劳动力能够在不断变化的工作世界中茁壮成长.

10) AI: savior or supervillain for sustainable development?
AI looks set to be a permanent source of debate throughout 2024. But what does it mean in the context of efforts to realize sustainable development?  As with all things AI, t在这里 is a challenging answer.

一方面,一方面, 人工智能似乎将在缓解气候变化的涡轮增压努力中发挥重要作用. 另一方面, AI also carries its own environmental impacts in terms of emissions, 水的利用, 和浪费, which must be managed carefully.  和, 当然, 人工智能带来了广泛的社会影响,在它将如何影响劳动力市场方面,这些影响继续引发人们的审视和担忧, 隐私, 网络安全, 错误信息, 等.

现在, the only certain thing is that AI will continue to be adopted, improved and potentially regulated throughout 2024. New ground-breaking uses (and abuses) are no doubt just around the corner.

For more information, please refer to the Briefing on key 2024年趋势 在这里.

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