Reflections on UNEA 6 and Key Takeaways for the Business Community

发表: 2024年3月22日
作者: Pervan强权统治下
类型: 洞察力

The sixth United Nations Environmental Assembly Conference (UNEA 6) in Nairobi, 肯尼亚于2024年3月1日关门,结果喜忧参半. 作为世界环境决策的卓越论坛, 联合国环境会议的主题是:“有效, 包容, 以及应对气候变化的可持续多边行动, 生物多样性丧失, 和污染.7岁以上,代表182个联合国成员国的1000名代表, 还有170位部长, 聚集在肯尼亚首都参加为期五天的会议.

Out of the initially proposed 19 resolutions, members finally agreed to adopt 15项决议,两项决定和一项部长宣言. 一个值得注意的缺失是关于循环经济的决议, initially proposed by the EU but finally withdrawn because of the lack of consensus. The wording of this resolution included the reference to the work being undertaken by WBCSD and One Planet Network (OPN) on the 全球循环协议(GCP), which aims to create a voluntary framework to address key accountability and policy roadblocks to scale circularity.

While the adoption of resolutions at UNEA 6 was heralded by many as a testament to the enduring strength of multilateralism, 现实情况更加微妙. Geopolitical tensions loomed large over several negotiation sessions, 给诉讼程序蒙上阴影. 除了, 划分为全球北方和全球南方, as well as between sustainability advocates and perceived "laggards,“进一步使讨论复杂化,阻碍了协商一致. 通过的决议, 而著名的, largely feature diluted language compared to their initial proposals.



作为联合主席 工商集团(BIMG), 水务署一直积极协调工作组的活动, 协调联合声明相关工作, 并在全体会议上发表声明. WBCSD also co-organized a BIMG high-level dinnerthat featured more than 100 participants, 包括英格·安德森, 联合国环境规划署执行主任, 和丹尼斯·弗朗西斯, 联合国大会主席. 在晚宴上, 灯塔计划报告 启动. 本报告由BIMG成员及其网络编写, aims to emphasize the vital contribution of businesses towards advancing the UNEA-6 theme. The report showcases BIMG's members' projects that advance sustainability through collaborative and innovative business-led partnerships on both global and local scales.

WBCSD showcased and promoted the work on the GCP and strengthened partnerships with various stakeholders. 在第31次IRP会议, we discussed the main Protocol's principles and received valuable feedback to refine our future efforts. 在10YFP董事会和SCP合伙人会议上, a panel of experts discussed how the business community can make a key contribution—through the GCP—to sustainable consumption and production. We jointly decided to expand the name of the GCP to 全球循环协议 for Business to stress the Protocol's primary target of addressing business accountability gaps on circularity.

WBCSD signed the Memorandum of Cooperation with the Ministry of Environment of Japan, which lays the groundwork for future collaboration and secures the participation of Japan's government and private sector in the Protocol development process. The partnerships created can enlarge the GCP’s outreach and incorporate small and medium businesses into its development.

WBCSD co-organized a side event on soil health with the Moroccan government and our member company, (OCP. 除了, numerous meetings with stakeholders helped position our work on circularity and enabled us to strike new partnerships and discuss potential collaboration on COP 29, 自然的行动, 农业, 以及《正规博彩十大网站排名》的谈判.



我们期待这一年将举办三次缔约方会议(气候——缔约方会议第29次会议生物多样性,Cop16荒漠化,COP16)和纽约气候周期间的未来峰会, ambition from the business community needs to increase sufficiently to meet the multiple challenges we face. 由于三大报告(全球资源展望2024全球废物展望Used Heavy Duty Vehicles and the Environment - A Global 正规博彩十大网站 of Used Heavy-Duty Vehicles: Flow, 规模, 和监管), 演示, we are overstepping six of nine planetary boundaries and our lives and livelihoods will dramatically change unless we act fast.

In Nairobi, only a few businesses and members participated in person. 我们与他们中的一些人进行了讨论和接触. We believe UNEA needs more involvement from the ambitious business community to promote future, 更宏大的成果. After all, UNEA meetings often lay the mandate for UN treaties (as was the case for the 联合国塑料污染条约谈判) or are precursors to the development of regional or national policies. If the idea of shaping future sustainability trends appeals to you, 考虑参加即将举行的联合国环境规划署会议.

UNEA-6 sent a message that "business as usual" is no longer an option. Businesses that embrace sustainability and contribute to solving environmental challenges will be more successful in the future. Embracing the change and seizing the first mover opportunity can significantly contribute to raising competitiveness and improving the business case for sustainability. Businesses will face increasingly stricter environmental reporting requirements to ensure transparency in their supply chains and environmental impact, 以及世界文化事务署在制订 企业表现及问责制度 for Carbon, 自然, Circularity, 塑料, Equity will lead the way in this regard.

We hope to have a more ambitious resolution on circularity containing a clear reference to the GCP work gaveled by the incoming president, H.E. Mr. Abdullah bin Ali Al-Amri from Oman, at the Upcoming UNEA 7 Conference in December 2025. This gives us at WBCSD a clear mandate and a north-star to work on for the upcoming period while using intermediate global events as welcome checkpoints on that road.


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